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My Brother

来源:大作文原创 文章作者:匿名 2024-04-23 22:51:41

Li Pings brothr is a PLA man. H is a handsom, tall young man with big ys and broad shouldrs.   H was born in 1971. H was a good studnt in school. Whn h was svntn, h finishd middl school. Thn h joind th Popls Libration Army. In th army, h studid hard and took an activ part in th military training. In 1991, h wnt to Anhui Provinc to hlp in fighting against th flood disastr. H did a lot of good dds thr.   Ystrday aftrnoon Li Pings brothr cam to our school and gav us a talk. Wv larnd a lot from him.

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