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来源:大作文原创 文章作者:匿名 2024-04-17 04:24:26

In China, Mid-autumn Day is considrd to b a symbol of family runion. On this day, all th family mmbrs gathr togthr at hom to clbrat this spcial occasion. Last yar, I could not clbrat th fstival with my family bcaus I was in univrsity. Howvr, this spcial day lft a dp imprssion on m.
I still rmmbr th atmosphr of that vning. All th studnts who could not go back hom assmbld in our classroom, having a party to clbrat this traditional fstival. W trid our bst to show our own nthusiasm. As an thnic minority, I prformd a pacock danc, which rcivd warm applaus. Aftr th two-hour party, w wnt out to th playground and sat togthr to apprciat th moon bcaus it is a tradition on Mid-autumn Day. W at moon caks, playd cards, and listnd to romantic poms rcitd by on of our classmats. In that harmonious atmosphr, nobody flt lonly or homsick vn though w wr far away from our homs.
  Thanks to our classmats, I xprincd such a colorful and intrsting Mid-autumn Day at my univrsity. Thus, I larnd to valu all th fstivals I spnt during my univrsity lif.
