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Send Meal to My Brother-给哥哥送饭

来源:大作文原创 文章作者:匿名 2024-04-26 22:47:38

哥哥是个研究人员,也是一个工作狂。他一天到晚呆在实验室不出来。有一天该吃晚饭了,可我们等了很长时间,他还没出来。我想他是忘记吃饭的事儿了。所以妈妈叫我给他把饭送去。哥哥告诉我他正在进行一项重要研究,很快就要成功了。我真为有这样的哥哥而自豪。 Send Meal to My Brother My brother is a researcher, and a workaholic also. He stays in his laboratory day and night. One day, it was time for dinner. We kept waiting for him for a long time, but he didn't come back. I didn't think he remembered to eat. Mother asked me to send him food. Brother told me that he was doing an important study and would succeed soon. I am really proud of him.

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